Thursday, June 30

Swim: 500 meters
Run: take a guess

I had a great swim for the most part. I managed to keep my intensity up and I was able to focus on my stroke and breathing. Well that's not totally true. The last 100 meters my stroke fell all to shit and my breathing went along for the ride but I'm glad it did. I was training my plan and counting my strokes, focusing on my breathing and I thought I was doing awful. 25 - 27 strokes per length. Well when I started loosing it I counted my strokes again, I had an increase of about 10 strokes a length. Turns out I was doing well. Yeah I wish I could have a 22 stroke count but let's face it, I'm 5' 3" tall, how long can my arms be?

Wednesday, June 29

Same again

Swam 450 meters.
I want to get a heart monitor/lap counter/watch so that I can stop having to think about laps and focus on swiming time, not distance.

I had a pretty good pace going, but close to the end I was forgetting to breathe. I worked on keeping my head down, pushing my chest down and my weight forward and I found that I was much more comfortable and I was moving through the water faster. Tomorrow I will see if it works for real or not, see if it lowers my stroke count (which really needs to drop considerably).

I think my biggest block to running is mental. Yes I have a serious knee problem, but if it's fixable like my doctor says, I should be able to do it, to some degree, but I am avoiding it like the plague. I only need to get two runs in this week but it's Wednesday and I still haven't done it. Such a slacker.

Tuesday, June 28

June 28 - July 3 Goals

So, goals for this week:

3 x 450 - 500 meters
Focus on lengthening stroke
Focus on breathing

3 x 20 - 30 minutes running (not including warm up and cool down)
Focus on foot placement and technique

2 x 30 min bike workouts
Focus on spinning

Remember to take resting heart rate measurements
Refocus on nutrition, the weekend party is over, time to be back to healthy foods (for the record, I was super good during the weekend away)

Monday, June 27

Old and busted

Today was a run day but I decided to take an extra rest day. The weekend's activities plus the driving and such have left me wiped. I will go for my regular swim tomorrow and an easy, light run after work.

Must remember to stretch.

This weeks goals:

Stretch way more than I have been
Warm up for a bit longer before starting to work out
Get more sleep
Continue to eat breakfast every day

Sunday, June 26

Weekend training

Friday: I swam at a new pool today. I decided to try the pool near my parent's house. There's something pretty great about a 50 meter pool. I thought I was going to die after 300 meters but I pushed through the wall I've been hitting lately and managed to do another 100 meters.

I was really pleased with my breathing. I'm starting to get it under control and I am not holding my breath anymore. I want to keep working on that. My knee was feeling pretty good. I need to work on more drills, less straight meters.

Saturday: I went for a run/walk. I did an easy warm up, and I did intervals of run for 60 walk for 90. The knee felt pretty good. I stretched half way through and my muscles fell pretty darn good. My quads are a bit tight, and I really need to remember to stretch out my hips more. I should also work on stretching my feet and calves out more. I was out for a total of 40 minutes but the last 10 was a nice long cool down. I felt good.

After the run I went for a two hour horse ride. My abs felt those hills, but my legs are good. I thought my knees might have been a problem but after I stretched them out they seem to be fine.

Sunday: Rest day.

Wednesday, June 22

Swim: 350 meters

Lessons: breaststroke will destroy me. My knee must be really messed up. It was all I could to to finish 25M of breast. Time to get a second opinion on my knee I think.

Run: well, didn't happen. My knee.

Other goals I need to work on: eat breakfast every morning. I've been doing really great at this but it's usually when I am on a roll that I start slacking off. I just need to keep it in mind, and setting it as a goal is the best way to keep on top of it.

Tuesday, June 21

I had an alright swim this morning. I did between 400 - 500 meters. Things I need to work on: stop holding my breath; learn to pace myself, I don't need to be a speed demon; work on core muscles if I plan on doing any breaststroke. I also need to find a better way of warming up before the swim.

Goals for this week: Maintain 400 meters.
Remember to breathe
Work on being slow and steady
For the love of god remember to STRETCH

Goals for next week: By end of the week increase average meters to 500

I didn't run today. I'm such a sloth. Sleep is good

Monday, June 20


I managed to get all of 2 hours sleep last night thanks to the fucktard of a neighbour that decided to throw a rager last night.

I now have to re-shuffle my training week. I could go for my run tonight but it's all I can do to stay awake. I figure I'll let myself crash at 9, I can be up for 6 for my swim, and I will schedule my run for a gym day. It's too soon to be starting on the bricks.

Sunday, June 19

Zero to Triathlete by August 20th

There is no turning back. The registration fee is paid, the campground is booked (though I have the option of staying at a girlfriend's house near by, I might go that route) and my mum said she would come and cheer me on.

Last night was quite the party, today I feel like ass, the prospect of getting up at 6am for a swim is daunting, but I can't skip it now, especially since I have a goal in sight.