Saturday, November 28

La belle province

After a lovely and relaxing trip to Ottawa, it was off to Montreal!

I took the train out, which was a first for me. I've never had a chance to take ViaRail before, way too expensive to travel out west, but it was a lovely trip. We passed a lot of farm land. It was nice to sit back and just watch everything pass by.

I had a friend to stay with in Montreal, and she was an amazing guide to the city. Super mega bonus: best bathroom in the world! I could have swam in her bathtub it was so big! I had the longest, hottest bath possible. It was amazing. I still dream about it, especially since it's the last bath I had.

Aside from the greatest bath ever, I had a fantastic time. We went out for a very lovely meal at a bistro close to her house. The food was great, the atmosphere was great, everything was fantastic!

The next day my friend from Ottawa joined us and off we went to explore the city. I had such a great time. We went to visit the old port, ate bagels, went to a few bars, ate poutine, all the good stuff!


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