Wednesday, June 29

Same again

Swam 450 meters.
I want to get a heart monitor/lap counter/watch so that I can stop having to think about laps and focus on swiming time, not distance.

I had a pretty good pace going, but close to the end I was forgetting to breathe. I worked on keeping my head down, pushing my chest down and my weight forward and I found that I was much more comfortable and I was moving through the water faster. Tomorrow I will see if it works for real or not, see if it lowers my stroke count (which really needs to drop considerably).

I think my biggest block to running is mental. Yes I have a serious knee problem, but if it's fixable like my doctor says, I should be able to do it, to some degree, but I am avoiding it like the plague. I only need to get two runs in this week but it's Wednesday and I still haven't done it. Such a slacker.


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