Saturday, May 20

Maggie, you ever been kicked in the head by a bull?

Packing is going, slowly but it's going.

I know that today I should be doing anything but sitting here, but I justify it by telling myself that I got a lot done this morning. I took my car through Air Care, I had my insurance renewed (a day late.. oops), purchased a new book (like I need to add to the pile just now!), and took myself out for breakfast. That's a lot of stuff to do in a morning.

I know I should be packing, I will start packing, it's just... well... it's such a pain.

I purchased an external drive yesterday so i'm currently in the process of ripping all my CDs into a format that I can and will use on a regular basis. I had forgotten how much music I have and simply don't listen do because I stopped listening to CDs years ago.

I'm selling a bunch of the music that I'm wondering why on earth I earth I would have ever purchased the CD in the first place. I have had some interesting musical taste over the years. I am of course keeping all the music I am ripping because I am well aware that if I were to sell or give away those CDs I would no longer have the legal right to have those songs in my possession. Of course. Don't steal music, it's bad.

I have three weeks left here, though I will only be living in my apartment for another week. As of next week I will be kitty sitting, my last kitting sitting gigs here. I'm going to miss all my clients, they have been so great over the years.

I'm going to make myself a deal. If I finish packing my entire bookshelf, I will allow myself to spend money on beer. Beer is good.


At 10:56 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the new book that you purchased JPod? I just heard about it yesterday...must purchase!

You were the one who introduced me to Douglas Coupland, and for that I am eternally grateful.

At 11:14 a.m. , Blogger Dawn Z(ed) said...

Yup. jPod is good. I read it in one day. I could not put it down.


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