Thursday, May 11

Okay, I had a list of things that needed doing, and I had a nice timeline set up to make it happen. It's time to check in with the timeline and revise it a bit, because I think I had my head up my ass when I wrote it out.


By May 15th:

  • Date will be set for transportation of stuff to Calgary Done. My fantastic mother and I will be transporting my stuff June 9th - June 11th.

  • Rental space will be lined up Done. Scott and his lovely wife are kindly storing my mattresses and some boxes for me until I move into wherever it is I will call home next.

  • Cargo van will be rented Done. Thanks to my wonderful mum (I am paying for it, she's just wielding the credit card to secure it)

By the June 1st:

  • My belongings will be safely stored in Calgary June 9th. Close enough.

  • I will have given notice to my landlords about my impending move. Done. I've decided to give up my apartment early since I will not be living there for all of June anyway.

  • My date of departure from Vancouver will be set

  • Summer Vacation plans will be set

By July 1st:

  • Notice will be given at least one job, hopefully both Done. I've already quit Job #2, and Job #1 is aware of my impending departure.

  • Day of arrival in Calgary will be set

  • Daily countdown to Summer Vacation '06 will commence. I'm still gunning for The Greatest Roadtrip Ever (2006 Edition) but the stressed out version of me is starting to think that maybe only part of TGRE ('06) might happen. But I will know for sure by July 1st.

By July 15th:

  • Everything I own that is left in Vancouver will either be sold, given away, or stored with Mum until I get back to Vancouver from Summer Vacation '06 - This will actually happen by June 15th as I will officially be homeless as of that date. I have no idea what the hell I was thinking, July 15th. Silly girl.

  • I will stop sleeping due to excitement

  • Given notice at work if not already done so Done.

  • Daily countdown to my arrival in Calgary will commence

Now if I can just get my shit together to pack my stuff and sell my crap, things will keep flowing. It's classic Dawn behaviour to mental shut down when it comes to moving. I suck at it. I really need to get my butt moving. Seriously. For real.


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