Wednesday, April 19

[cross posted]

Everything is going along pretty well in terms of my move plans.

My housesitting schedule has become nicely crowded so it looks like there are only 3 days in June that I would be at home. So I’ve decided (as much as it breaks my heart) to give up my apartment as of June 1st. This means I need to seriously start busting my ass and packing and selling all my stuff. It also means I need to get my ass in gear and find a storage facility in Calgary, and get my stuff out to Calgary PDQ.

What it also means is that I have money that is in my budget that should go to rent but won’t. It means I can either leave Vancouver early and get to Calgary sooner, or I can leave Vancouver early and have a longer vacation, or I can stay until July 15th and save money and have a bigger cushion, or it means a combo of the various options.

I can’t believe how fast this move is come up. I can’t believe how fast The Greatest Roadtrip Ever (2006 edition) is creeping up on me. I can’t believe how damn excited I am.

There are still some major kinks that need to be worked out, but I am trying not to stress over them, everything will work out, I just need to not panic, move ahead, and not procrastinate. I’m going to be homeless in 42 days! YAY!


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