Tuesday, April 11


A monkey wrench has been thrown into my master plans for moving.

I had planned on having my stuff stored in Calgary by June 1st but now I will be housesitting. The two most logical weekends for moving my stuff out to Calgary are the weekend before I start housesitting (May 19th - 21st) or the weekend after that job and before I start my next housesitting job (June 9th - 11th). Well mum already has plans on the weekend before and the weekend after is my grandmother's 75th birthday.

The next possible plan was during the week, between June 6 - 9. Not going to happen, mum's co-worker is on vacation that week so she can't be out of the office.

I know what you're all wondering: Why the hell does mum need to be involved? I'll tell you. I don't have a credit card (needed to rent the van) and mum is the only person I know that has one that is also willing to drive out to Calgary with me.

Why don't I just move my stuff in July? Because I will have nowhere to store my stuff between giving up my apartment and the time I actually leave and I do not want to pay the outrageous prices to store my crap for a month here when I should be paying the outrageous prices to store my crap in Calgary.

I'm frustrated. It's just one more bump in the road. I know it will get worked out, I know all will be good in the end, I know I will figure something out, but I just don't want to have to think about it any more. My plans were set, it was good to go, and now it's a mess.

On an up note, I have a place to crash between end of my final housesitting gig and Vancouver departure.


Anybody with a credit card want to drive to Calgary with me?


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