Sunday, December 11

OMG She Lives!

Yep, I am alive, though I have been a slug of late, I am alive.

I've let a number of things get in the way of doing any off season training, but I am about to change that. When I get paid on Friday I intend to renew my recreation card so I can start going to the pool in the mornings again. I've realized just how much I miss swimming, even if it means getting up at the ass crack of morning to do it. I need something that will calm my nerves, allow me to focus on things, and generally turn the brain off from chaos.

I wish it was a triathlon goal I had in mind, something I was looking forward to, but it's not. There are any number of triathlons I would love to attempt next year, too many really, but they are all in Vancouver, and I am in the process of moving away from Vancouver, just in time for the start of the tri season no less. I'm moving to Calgary and Calgary isn't exactly teaming with an endless supply of triathlons to choose from.

I am going to miss my regular pool, my regular gym (having to pay to go to a gym will SUCK), my regular everything I guess. It will be fun to discover a pool I like, a new gym, new places to go for a run, when it's not sub zero (that's sub 32 for you lovers of Fahrenheit out there), and places to run indoors (they must exist). It's going to be a whole new world.

The pool will keep me sane(ish) while I update my resume, look for work, pack up my belongings, arrange for storage, worry about details, and generally freak out. Oh how I look forward to the freaking out.

I will do my best to chronicle my freaking out and the progress I hope to make in my training as a result of my freaking out.


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