Thursday, July 14

Last night, instead of running, I went and had a beer with a friend I haven't seen in awhile.

Last night I had an excellent sleep. I was in bed by 10, and sleeping shortly after. I woke up about 5 minutes before my alarm and I felt refreshed. I stayed in bed for half an hour of course, but I was still awake before 5:30.

I had a good workout in the pool, all except the last 100 meters. My stroke keeps going to shit. The first 50 I did I felt like I was slicing through the water, but after that I felt more and more like I was plodding along. I do think my stroke is improving though, it's just going to take it awhile to settle in my brain. Once some things become second nature it will be better.

This morning I decided to start the auditions for sports drinks and bars. I had a Perfect 10 Bliss Bar in Chocolate Lemon and it was the most vile thing I have ever tried in my entire life. I also tried Powerade in Berry something or other, it didn't suck.

I just finished a great workout on the bike. I went to the gym at work and used the bike there, not the same as a real bike, but boy did I get a good workout. I maintained an average 88 RPM for about 20 minutes and then did a 5 minute cool down. According to the bike I did 8 km. It felt awesome. Within the first 5 minutes I was dripping (for real) sweat. A young guy hops on the bike next to me and starts going and he couldn't keep up the cadence. It was sweet. He kept looking at me like I was some mad woman. I'm totally high on endorphins right now.

Close to the end I felt a twinge in my right hamstring. I'm going to have to keep an eye on it. It feels fine now, but I'm going to keep an eye on it none the less. I think it just needed to be stretched out, which I did, and now all is good in the world.

Did I mention I'm totally high on endorphins?

I'm going to sleep well tonight.


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