Wednesday, July 13

I took another rest day yesterday. I'm still not feeling 100%.

I was getting a really great sleep, even though I went to bed later that I should have, until 4am when my neighbour decided it was time to BLAST his music. I think I managed to fall back asleep around 5. I was so tempted to turn my alarm off at 5:30 and reset it for 7:30 but somehow I managed to get my ass out of bed by 6:15 and out the door by 6:45. It was a later start that I would have liked but at least I did it. Tonight I really need to make sure I get to bed by 10.

My swim this morning was lame. My first 100 felt like I was flying and then after that my stroke went to shit and I fell apart. To be fair it was the first time I've been in the pool since taking a bunch of rest days last week. I'd like to blame it on being tired but let's face it, I wasn't in the pool much the last few days and it showed.

Today I was supposed to hop on the bike, but I was an idiot this morning and forgot to pack another t-shirt so that's out for lunch, and I figure if I'm going home right after work I might as well get a run in. We all know my history with running... we'll see.


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