Tuesday, July 5


I have no idea how many meters I put in today, and I don't really care. All I know is that it was long and I was getting frustrated near the end. I'm working on a new stroke technique and there is a lot to think about and it is getting frustrating, but I really think it's paying off. If I had to make a guess I would say that I did at least 500 meters.

My right hamstrings are sore today. When I got out of the pool they seized up into a little ball and boy did it hurt. I managed to get it stretched out nicely but for those 60 seconds I thought I was going to die of pain. I hate cramps. All the more reason to stretch properly.

I swam with my contacts in today. What a difference sight makes. They say to train with what you plan on wearing/using on race day so I might as well start now.

I can't wait to get some open water training in. If it's nice this Saturday I'm thinking I might go out to my mum's house and swim at the lake near her house.


So my body is definitely saying that running is not an option. My knees just can't handle it. From all the research I have done, and based on the diagnosis that my doctor gave me, it will clear up, I just have to be patient and work on strengthening the muscles that support my knees. I will be getting myself a knee brace for my left knee right quick since it's in the worst shape, the right knee I think is doing alright. My patella just needs a little extra help to track properly until my muscles are ready to take that job over.

So anyway, today I was able to get in a good 25 minutes around the track, and I did about 2km. I'm happy with that, all things considered.


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