Thursday, May 18

Running to stand still

Every step I take forward with this move/vacation seems to be met with a step I need to take backwards.

It's getting very frustrating.

On the upside:

  • I have a lead on an apartment or two in Calgary

  • It looks like Billiam is sorted, most likely

  • My mum is getting me a credit card on her account so I can rent a car, hotel, etc.

On the down side:

  • I still need to sell all my crap

  • I am regreting quiting job #2 only because my savings aren't growing like I need them to because this move/vacation is getting more and more expensive and it's making me mental. Gas prices need to go down, my bank account needs to go up

  • It looks like I may have to cut Montreal out of my trip

It keeps hitting me that in three weeks my stuff will live in Calgary.

I bet you will all be glad when I shut the hell up about this damn move already.


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