Friday, September 29

Let the rock machine roll

So I was all set to post something I have been meaning to get to since I finished The Greatest Roadtrip Ever (2006 Edition), the music that let me survive alone on the road, but thanks to fucking iTunes, I lost the playlist.

I have a big hate on for Apple right now. A security update screwed my machine six ways to Sunday and then when the new version of iTunes was released it erased all of my playlists. I plugged in my iPod and BOOM gone.

If I didn't hate Microsoft so much Apple would be dead to me.

I am insane.

I seriously need help. I was seriously considering hopping on a plane and going to Minneapolis during the November long weekend simply so I could go see Hot Chip because it's the only show that is offered at a time I can go and it's close enough to not cost an arm and a leg and they aren't coming to Calgary (big surprise).

I am going to drown my sorrows at the Junior Boys show on Monday. That will only cost me $10, not $700.

I am the crazy cat lady... with great taste in music.

Lit to pop and nobody is gonna stop

Originally this blog was set up to chronical my misadventures in triathlon training. Just before I was set to pack everything up and head out for my first race, I fell off my couch and sprained 4 of my fingers, my wrist and bruised my chest. I am talented people. Pure talent.

2006 was a bust in terms of training because I was so focused on moving to Calgary that I was working two jobs and since training for a tri is a job unto itself, I simply didn't have the time.

Until now.

I have nothing but time.

I just found out that the organization I work for hosts a sprint triathlon every year. I am seriously considering working towards it. The great thing about working here is that I have free access to the rec centre. I swim three times a week on my lunch break simply because I can (though I would swim simply because I love swimming).

Why not?

I've been giving major thought to getting a new bike since mine doesn't actually exist anymore, so all I'd need is a trainer for the long, cold, winter months. There's an indoor track at work, so basically I'd be set.

I think I'll set the goal, and when I'm two months out see how I feel, if I could do it, and if I feel like I can, I'm going to sign up and go for it.

This blog might be getting back to its roots.

Or I could just be building castles in the sky.

Friday, September 22

I used to think that I knew

This past week has been shit.

I miss my parents.
I miss my friends.
I miss knowing how to do my job.
I miss having a couch.
I miss great beer.

Work has been frustrating. Everytime I start feeling like I know what I am doing, something pops up to let me know that I have no clue. There has been a lot of stress lately.

I got a hair cut and I hate it. A lot.

My car is dying and I will either need to spend a small fortune to have it fixed, or scrap it all together. I need a new car, bad.

I've just felt generally tired and misserable all week.

I still do not miss Vancouver and I still think I made the right choice moving here.

On the brighter side of things, I finished a scarf I had been planning on making, and it's fantastic. Billiam is just as wonderful as ever. I found out that I can buy Hendricks gin here!!! I'm in love with the swimming pool at work.

Wednesday, September 13

Roll like an avalanche

Today amused me.

Traffic was "bad".

It took me 25 minutes to get home from work today.

It normally takes me 15.

Sunday, September 10

I'm the coffee not the sleep

It's interesting how every day life gets in the way of being terrified of change.

I was making dinner tonight and it suddenly struck me that I wasn't afraid of my big move. I know it sounds odd. Before I moved I wasn't scared or worried because I was so focused on my vacation. I arrived here and I was focused on finding work, and then life just started kicking in. It's odd.

Calgary doesn't yet feel like home, but Vancouver never really felt like home either.

There are some very interesting differences I've noticed between Calgary and Vancouver.

1. The traffic. People here have no idea what bad traffic is like. Their bad traffic is average traffic in Vancouver. Rush hour still exists here, not rush day. It's unreal.

2. Getting Hitched. Nobody is single. 99% of people I have met are married or in a serious relationship. It's odd. People in Vancouver get married at a later age than in Calgary it seems, and more people seem to be married. I know plenty of people that have been dating for years but marrage just isn't an issue. People get married a lot out here.

3. Work Ethic. Shit do people work hard out here. They play hard too, but man do they work hard.

4. Booze. I miss the variety of beer. Alberta doesn't have the same amount of breweries that BC does, and it show. I like the idea of private liquor stores, but I loved that I could search the BC Liquor Board's website and find out which store had a particular product in stock.

I'm still loving it here. I miss the ocean but not Vancouver. I miss my mum. It's lonley here, but no more lonely than Vancouver was. I feel potential here.

Saturday, September 9

Breakfast on Pluto

I wish I could post a smell and a taste.

I made dinner tonight, and it was bloody good. I am slowly getting better at this cooking thing.

I made a caserole. I never thought I would be proud about that.

My kitchen is slowly being stocked with the basic stuff you normally take for granted, like salt.

Wednesday, September 6

a Picasso or a Garfunkel

I need some art.

I need some worksafe art.

If you have art for me, I may be very interested.

In my office area we are encouraged to bring in, and hang, art. There are three people in my office and I am the only one without art.

I need some art.

Tuesday, September 5

You don't wanna party then your ass gotta go

Oh man, what a weekend!

I had something I wanted to write about and then I got a phone call, and everything changed.

Thursday night a friend of mine showed up in town, last minute and all hell broke out. We spent the entire weekend exploring a large part of Southern Alberta and a small chunk of BC.

We went to Drumheller to see the dinosaurs:

On Sunday we explored three different national parks in two different provinces, Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay. We saw Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, Golden, Radium, Banff and Canmore.

Monday we went South to Crows Nest Pass. It rocked.

She went home tonight and now I am at home, alone, for the first night in five nights and I can't remember what the hell was going through my head before she blew into town.