Friday, September 22

I used to think that I knew

This past week has been shit.

I miss my parents.
I miss my friends.
I miss knowing how to do my job.
I miss having a couch.
I miss great beer.

Work has been frustrating. Everytime I start feeling like I know what I am doing, something pops up to let me know that I have no clue. There has been a lot of stress lately.

I got a hair cut and I hate it. A lot.

My car is dying and I will either need to spend a small fortune to have it fixed, or scrap it all together. I need a new car, bad.

I've just felt generally tired and misserable all week.

I still do not miss Vancouver and I still think I made the right choice moving here.

On the brighter side of things, I finished a scarf I had been planning on making, and it's fantastic. Billiam is just as wonderful as ever. I found out that I can buy Hendricks gin here!!! I'm in love with the swimming pool at work.


At 10:17 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will get better. It took me 4-6 months before I really felt like I was integrated into my new home and surroundings. You can do it! I know it sounds cheesy, but keep on keepin' on.

At 10:15 a.m. , Blogger Dawn Z(ed) said...

Oh, I know it will. I'm just homesick for things that are familiar, even though most of them didn't make me happy and I am much happier here.

I miss being able to just pick up a phone and say "hey, lets go make fun of bitchy hostesses and drink the martini menu and eat dried up green beens" and have it happen in under an hour.

I'm just being impatient.

At 8:28 a.m. , Blogger Zee And Zed said...

I know exactly how you feel. When I first moved to the Excited States Ross got me MuchMusic USA (doesn't exist anymore) so I could catch glimpses of Toronto now and then. The minute I saw a streetcar go by, I broke out in great big sobs worthy of an Oscar. It will get better (sounds trite I know) but it does take time. In my case, more time than I thought, but hey, it's just another chapter of my life.

Hang in there and keep blogging so we can be your cheerleaders!



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