Sunday, August 27

Rat-a-tatting lose your future

The weekend was a blur.

Friday was a mad dash between a job interview and making it to the airport on time. I managed to miss the bus I needed to catch and so I had to drive out to the airport and park my car for the weekend. Much suck.

The flight was good, pretty uneventful. Managed to get myself to the North Shore with very little hassle.

And then the fun began.

I wasn't at Jas's place 5 minutes before the plans were solidified and we were out the door. It was a marathon night of drinking and eating, and generally having an absolute blast. We were mad women with mad skillz. Hall... er.

We should have been in rough shape, but we managed to survive the night and walk home under our own power, without even stumbling. Woke up the next morning and had a great breakfast, and then it was off to the suburbs to see Mum.

Big H was stuck on the island fighting a fire, so I was dateless but I ended up having a great time at the wedding. I wish I could have spent more time with Mum, but it was still a great night.

It ended up being a long night followed by an early morning and a 3 hour wait for my flight.

Now I am back home, and so happy to be back and I have a Billiam with me!

I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.


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