Wednesday, August 16

Day 18 - 23: Seattle to Idaho

Seattle. My home. I may never have lived there, but it’s home. Just thinking about it makes me miss it so much it hurts. I don’t feel the slightest bit of remorse leaving Vancouver, but Seattle…

My stay in Seattle was filled with laughter, and tears, pain, memories, joy, and lots and lots of love. I am such a lucky girl to have the friends I have. These are the people that keep allowing me to crash on their couches, in their guestrooms, smoosh their doggies… They are my family.

(I totally stole this photo from Meanie)

If nothing else, I know I am loved, and that’s a pretty damn great thing.

Leaving Seattle was hard. I was on the verge of tears all the way to Idaho.

The drive was beautiful, but long.


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