Friday, July 28

Let me state that this post is the direct result of intoxicants, namely booze so any and all spelling errors are not totally my fault.

Well okay, they are since I am typing this, but since booze were involved I am hoping you will forgive me.


I swear, once I am in a place where I can really sit down and speak about my adventures, I will. I have a coule of picutres (I really mean a couple, my camera has not co-operated) I would like to share and a few stories worth telling but current events have over shadowed everything I have been going through the last few weeks.

Today was the memorial service for a friend of mine. It was a very shocking re-introduction into civilization for me, to find out that somebody I knew had died. He was too young. He was too talented. He loved life too much. It' just not fair.

The one thing that kept going through my mind today was "I am too young to be doingi this yet again".

I am glad that I was here to say goodbye. I hope I have done him proud and I am glad that I was able to see people that I never get a chance to see, even if it had to be for such a shit reason.

I know I have said this before, but I can't say it enough::

I am so damn lucky to have the friends I have and to know the people I do.

I love you all and I am glad to count you all amoung my friends, and I mean it, even YOU.


At 7:02 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are my friend also! You rule homey!


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