Tuesday, June 20

I'm sorry.... so sorry...

I would like to take a moment and officially apologize for going on and on and on and on about The Greatest Roadtrip Ever (2006 Edition) and then completely changing it all last minute.

This is what happens when I obsess over something. I will sit and think over every single tiny detail until it is all set, and then BAM! change my mind without a second of hesitation.

If I ever get married somebody else should plan it and just let me pick the day I want to show up. It would be better for all involved.

That said...

I'm having one hell of a time booking accommodations and ferries. I did manage to get one ferry sailing I wanted, I'm waitlisted for another, so it looks like I'll have to cut my time short by a day (oh the hardship), but I can't even get waitlisted for the short ride home so my time with the Worlds Greatest (step)Dad is going to be cut short by a few days.

I've been trying to book accommodations which is proving to be harder than booking ferries! It's all a matter of getting in touch with actual people. I am hoping to get it all sorted by the end of today.

I have most of the gear I need, just a few odds and sods to sort out, I need to get my menu planned and purchased, and then all that's left to do is pack the car up and go.

I can't wait.


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