Tuesday, June 13

Hold the phone

I'm tired. Really, really tired.

I don't think I seriously understood how much this move was affecting me. Now that the first part of the move is complete, I am starting to understand. I think I may have to change my plans for travel. I am still planning on taking a long vacation, but I think I may do something much different.

My current thoughts involve some time on Vancouver Island visiting my (step)dad. Being up at his place is so damn relaxing it's impossible to not feel good. I'm also planning on booking myself into a bed and breakfast that was recommended to me. I deserve it.

That still leaves me with a chunk of time I don't know what to do with, but I'm sure I will figure something out. I just know that I need to be still for awhile, and driving everywhere and seeing everything is about as far from being still as it gets.


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