Sunday, June 25

It's the final countdown

13 days left.

All my stuff has now found a new home, even that damn couch!

It was kinda hard seeing some of the stuff go, but I'm glad it's done.

For better or worse my posts are going to start getting fewer and further bewteen. (I can hear some of you cheering. Your RSS readers will be clear of my clutter) I only have access to the intarwebnets at work, or at this lovely cafe that has free wifi (and tastey crepes), or via dialup at my temporary home. Combine that with a very busy schedule and I just don't have a lot of time to update here. Not that I really have much to say at this point.

I'm a broken record at this stage. My conversations tend to go along the following lines:

Random Person: Haven't you left for Calgary yet?

Me: No, not yet. I still have X days left.

RP: Are you excited?

Me: Yeah, but I think I'm more excited about my vacation than I am about the move. I am super excited about my trip.

RP: So do you have a place to live yet?

Me: Yup. I'm all sorted in that respect. I have a great little apartment, steps from downtown waiting for me when I roll into town.

RP: Do you have a job yet?

Me: No, not yet. I'm going to wait until I get into town to start looking. I can't apply for anything right now because I am still unvailable for interviews or work until after my trip, and nobody is interested in waiting until August, just for me.

RP: Well Calgary is booming right now, you should have no problems finding work. I bet you mum is going to miss you. Isn't it hard to leave her, and the rest of your family, behind?

Me: Yup, just as much as I'm going to miss her. She's been my biggest supporter though. Of course I'm going to miss my family, but my move has nothing to do with them. I need to do this for me. As long as I have my mum's support, I'm golden. She's the one that matters most.

End scene.

There are a few alternatives to that conversation, but they are all basically the same. I had that exact conversation about a dozen times yesterday alone. It's getting tired.

I would be lying if I said that I'm not going to miss Vancouver, but I'm just not feeling the nostalgia that some think I should be feeling. I have fallen in love with Calgary and I am so excited about moving forward with my life. My parents get that more than anybody. I wish I could express just how much their support and understanding means to me. It's unbelieveable how fantastic they have been.

I've said it before, if my mum, even for a moment, said to me "don't go" I wouldn't have. She never hesitated. The moment I broke the news of my move to she has encouraged me, motivated me, and calmed me down. She is a star. She helped me pack, she helped me drive my stuff to Calgary, she organized a yard sale, and she did it all knowing that it was helping me move away from her. Just writting about it makes me cry, I can't imagine what I'm going to do when I finally say goodbye to her. Leaving my mum is the only hard thing about this move.

I think not being able to see the screen is a good indicator that maybe I should call it quits.


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