Saturday, July 29

Day 1: North Vancouver to Prince George

I woke up at 5 am and could not get back to sleep so I decided I might as well set out on the road. Because I left so early I still have no proof that Jasmin’s mum exists other than Jasmin insisting she does. I have been in the same house at the same time as this alleged “mum” but I have yet to actually meet her.

I digress.

Traffic was pretty good and the drive was pretty typical. The weather was good, and once I started into the Fraser Canyon there was very little traffic.

I stopped in 70 Mile House for lunch and boy did I pick the wrong place. I ordered a ham and cheese sandwich, which shouldn’t be hard to foul up, but they did, and in a great way.

The bread was the most tasteless white bread ever. The cheese was an off brand cheese slice, and the ham was processed ham slices. It was awful. The coffee was worse.

In Prince George I found the College of New Caledonia, checked in and was amazed at how the students there live. I could have photographed the room but without the smell-o-vision plug in, it wouldn’t have meant anything. I’m surprised there isn’t a massive legionnaire's disease outbreak there. The place made me glad that I had sandals to wear in the shower.

All of Prince George was in the middle of a massive soccer tournament and all the hotels were book, as were the dorms I was staying in. The city was overrun by under 18’s. It would have been amusing if I hadn’t been functioning on a mere 5 hours of restless sleep, had been driving all day and I didn’t have to wake up super early the next morning.

People kept knocking on my door not realizing they had the wrong room. There were people running around trying to find “the party”. The person I shared a bathroom with (the rooms are all outside access with a shared bathroom in the middle) had brought a girl back to his room and I had the joy of hearing them attempt to get it on. I say attempt because I distinctly heard an “oops” and “I’m sorry”. She giggled.

I think I finally managed to get to sleep around 11 PM.


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