Wednesday, August 16

Here I am, I'm on the scene

So I've now been in Calgary for exactly two weeks. In those two weeks I have moved into my lovely apartment, started working on finding work, been given a parking tag (they call them tags here. It's very odd), driven back down South to Smashed-In-Head Buffalo Jump, seen weather that just blows my mind (the thunder here set off car alarms last night. It rules!), and generally felt under the weather.

It hailed sideways. SIDEWAYS!

The clouds were awesome. And you could see it coming for a good 30 minutes before it hit.

Adjusting to the climate (dry) and the altitude (3400 ft or so), have taken its toll. I’m really tired, all the time, and I’m drying out like a prune. I’m drinking a tonne of water and hand lotion is now my best friend. Though this week I am not nearly as tired as I was last week. I am slowly adjusting.

I don’t have a lot of furniture but I did buy a bookshelf, a dresser, and a couple of lamps. Since 90% of my boxes were full of books a bookshelf was needed right away to unpack. It serves quite nicely as room divider as well. The rest of what I had was mostly clothing, a dresser was needed. It sits quite nicely in my walk in closet (I could live in that thing it’s so huge). So now my apartment is mostly unpacked but covered in debris from digging through the boxes that are left, camping equipment that hasn’t been put away, and just general disorder.

I’m not working yet, and I don’t know many people here but I have fallen in love with this city. I don’t know what it is about this place but I am smitten. I am happier here than I was in Vancouver. The only way things could get better would be if I was working and Billiam was here, and both are just a mater of time.


At 6:43 p.m. , Blogger Zee And Zed said...

Hey Dawn,

It fills me full of joy to read how well you're doing. It seems like you're really settling in and enjoying Calgary.

Best of luck on your job search. Once the summer winds down and everyone is back from vacation, it might be easier to find a job.

I'll keep "checking" in on you...


p.s. Damn woman, I always wanted a walk in closet!


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