Wednesday, January 24

So yesterday it was brought to my attention that my blog went bye bye.

As you can see, it's back. Mostly.

At some point I need to get the motivation together to redo all my links to the stuff I like.

That's all for now. I shall leave you with this:

Tuesday, January 9

All you've got to do is try

I think Teva could turn me into a shoe girl.

I have been looking high and low for new shoes. I am in desperate need of new shoes. Pony is my long standing favourite and they just aren't doing it for me lately, and neither is Gravis, my backup favourite.

And then I saw the Teva website. There are at least three pairs of shoes I want. I never want three pairs of shoes.

In other news, I am sick as hell. The West Coast infected me with a cold and now I am sick. I have been sick for a week now and I'm ready for it to be done.

A random side thought: How many of you know your neighbours? I don't actually know my neighbours but I know their routines. They guy that lives on the West side of me is mostly quiet. I think I've heard him around about twice since I've moved in. The girl that lives up stairs drives me mental and is extremely loud which doesn't work in a building with zero soundproofing. The guy that lives on the East side of me gets up about the same time I do, takes a bath (his bathroom is next to my sleeping area), never a shower, always a bath, and the putters about. He then starts to sing around 9 or so. He plays his guitar and sings. He's quite good, very nice to listen to and even though it is every day, it doesn't bother me. It's really the only time I ever hear him.

Now the reason why I'm thinking about this is that I haven't heard the guy to the East of me since I've been home. I've actually become a little worried. Is he just on holiday? Did he move out while I was gone? Is he dead in there?

This is the shit that keeps me up at night.

I need new hobbies.

Saturday, January 6

Nobody you like, likes you now

So most people that know me know that I need a project, something to obsess over, to keep me somewhat sane. Normally at this time of year it's my birthday, but since Mum has taken that in hand, I have had nothing to plan, detail by detail, pour over, and generally go mad about, until now.

My entire life I have wanted to go to Scotland. My very earliest memories are of reading the encyclopedia entries on Scotland and everything related to Scotland. I used to dream about the day I would get to visit. I am about to be 30 and that dream has yet to manifest itself.

2008 is the year I finally, at long, long last, make it to Scotland. I am going to take 4 - 6 weeks and do it up.

I figure if I start the planning now, I will have it all sorted in time to throw the whole plan out the window about a week before I leave.

Friday, January 5

BC Place Stadium Roof - Before & After

BC Place Stadium Roof - Before
Originally uploaded by chest-hare.


I wonder how long it will take for them to start freaking out over the cost of getting the roof repaired. I wonder if all the people that were pro Vancouver 2010 are still happy they got the bid. I wonder if they would even bother to fix the roof if it wasn't for the Olypmpics coming to town.

Missing Dome

Missing Dome
Originally uploaded by dawnzzle.
Well it took over 20 years but the roof on BC Place has finally colapsed.

I am still waiting to get a good shot from the other side. That's going to be the really weird sight.

Thursday, January 4

I survived the holiday season.

I managed to deal with family and nobody cried. My eyeglasses got busted in two but a friend managed to epoxy them back together and thank god he did because I lost a contact lens so I would have been totally blind. I survived the airports and airplanes and border line ups. I saw doggies and cats. I ate good food and drank excellent beverages. I got an excellent haircut.

The Vancouver part of my trip was awesome and awful all at the same time. I was happy to see my family and my friends. It was so wonderful seeing my parents. It wasn't enough to make me want to go back a lot.

Christmas at my mum's house is just too hectic and noisy and annoying, just like every holiday dinner my family has. I have two very out of control, young, cousins that make me want to bash my head against a wall. That's not to say I don't love them, I do, very much, but they are too much to deal with for more than an hour. If I am going to spend only a few days visiting my parents, it will not be over a holiday weekend. I will not go through that again. At least this Christmas nobody got stinkin' drunk. It's a first.

Another Christmas tradition is visiting my Nana. My mum and I go over to her house every Boxing Day. This year, for the first time in 8? years I saw my father. That was weird. My Nana, god love her, has it in her head that my father and I don't get along. She refuses to understand that my father is simply incapable of picking up a phone to call his kid. Seeing him left me more pissed off than anything. I'd written him off long ago and seeing him again made me realize I had made the right call. It's hard to believe that I spent years trying so damn hard to maintain a non-existent relationship with such a bitter, cynical, and selfish man.

Unfortunately Boxing Day was my last night in town and it kinda left a bit of a pall over everything. The next morning I was glad to be leaving town, it was one day too many at Mum's. I love my parents but I can not live with them for any length of time without there being some sort of snark coming out. The day I left there was quite a bit of snark.

Seattle was excellent. I miss Seattle like mad. Seattle is where I wish home was. I really wish Seattle was closer to Calgary.

I saw almost everybody I wanted to, even people I never expected I'd get a chance to see. I drank excellent beer (god I miss the beer. Alberta beer sucks ass). I did some excellent shopping that I really couldn't afford but it was worth it.

The flight home was the worst flight of my life. From the moment I realized that the ticket people had printed the wrong gate on my boarding pass and having to, last minute, bust my ass to get to the right gate on the other side of the airport, to the landing, it sucked. There was one point where I was convinced we were all going to die. I didn't know how they were going to land the plane without it crashing in a big fiery mess. I'm not afraid of flying but this scared the hell out of me.

I'm glad to be home. I don't want to leave any time soon.