Tuesday, January 9

All you've got to do is try

I think Teva could turn me into a shoe girl.

I have been looking high and low for new shoes. I am in desperate need of new shoes. Pony is my long standing favourite and they just aren't doing it for me lately, and neither is Gravis, my backup favourite.

And then I saw the Teva website. There are at least three pairs of shoes I want. I never want three pairs of shoes.

In other news, I am sick as hell. The West Coast infected me with a cold and now I am sick. I have been sick for a week now and I'm ready for it to be done.

A random side thought: How many of you know your neighbours? I don't actually know my neighbours but I know their routines. They guy that lives on the West side of me is mostly quiet. I think I've heard him around about twice since I've moved in. The girl that lives up stairs drives me mental and is extremely loud which doesn't work in a building with zero soundproofing. The guy that lives on the East side of me gets up about the same time I do, takes a bath (his bathroom is next to my sleeping area), never a shower, always a bath, and the putters about. He then starts to sing around 9 or so. He plays his guitar and sings. He's quite good, very nice to listen to and even though it is every day, it doesn't bother me. It's really the only time I ever hear him.

Now the reason why I'm thinking about this is that I haven't heard the guy to the East of me since I've been home. I've actually become a little worried. Is he just on holiday? Did he move out while I was gone? Is he dead in there?

This is the shit that keeps me up at night.

I need new hobbies.


At 1:35 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the same with my neighbours. I have never actually seen any of them, but I know so much about them. For example, the couple to the west of me fight every night (you even had the pleasure of hearing it when you stayed with me!). The people above me are curious individuals. I often wonder what it is they are doing, because it sounds like the are dragging bathtubs across the floor, not to mention the banging on the walls. Are the renovating? Do they have some sort of shady drug lab? I noticed the other day that they have their balcony blocked out with this weird plastic stuff so no one can see what they are doing. The plot thickens.

At 12:39 p.m. , Blogger Dry Shave said...

Dawn, I just wanted to say I love the new blog set-up. It's all crisp, and clean with soothing aqua pastel colours....

Jasmin, maybe your neighbours are dismembering body parts. It's just a thought ;)

At 12:45 p.m. , Blogger Dawn Z(ed) said...

Thanks! I figured it was time for a change.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jasmin's neighbours were up to something nefarious. It is North Van after all. It's not as squeeky clean there as they would have others believe.

At 3:17 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't think of them murdering people before...I was all about the drug lab. Now I am even more curious (and slightly frightened).


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