Monday, November 20

Boogy woogy jam slam

Awhile I ago I was threatening to bore you all with my tales of training, and then I promptly shut up. Fear not faithful reader, I shall now fill that void!

My friend and I have a pact where in we are required to go to the gym/yoga/workout of choice a minimum of three times per week. For every workout we miss we are required to pay $5. At the end of the month all money gathered will go to a charity chosen by the person who had to pay the most.

So far we have no money and the motivation is paying off.

I started swimming I think my second week here, maybe third week, either way I’ve been at it for at least two months. In those two months I have gone from a workout that looks like this:

Warm up:
100m kick

Work out:
6 x 25m w/20 sec rest

Cool down:
100m kick

Total meters: 350

To this:

Warm up:
50m kick
100m breaststroke

12 x 25m w/10 seconds rest
4 x 25 meter sprint w/10 seconds rest

Cool down
100m breaststroke
50m kick

Total meters: 700

Not only is it a 100% increase in the number of meters, the intensity has gone up since I am completing the workout in almost the same amount of time. I’ve found that this week my workout is a bit longer than it has been and it could easily get longer but I simply don't have the time during lunch, I will have to start swimming after work instead. Allowing more time will give me the chance to add even more breaststroke. It’s my favourite. I love it. I want to add another 200m, at least. It’s just so much fun to do.

This week I’m going to try to start going to the pool 4 days a week.

Swimming is keeping me sane. Work is so busy and crazy but I go to the pool and everything just falls away. I get back to my desk and I feel like a noodle, an unstressed noodle. It’s great.

As for running and cycling, it’s just not happening right now. My hip and back were really bothering me for quite some time and running and cycling were simply out of the question. Swimming has helped exponentially. I’m now near the point where I can start thinking about getting on the bike. Running is still a long way off, but it will happen. It must.


At 5:51 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the idea of paying $5 if you miss a workout! I might have to steal that one :) Woot for swimming!

And, totally off topic, but I am so excited that Raglan's will probaby be open when you are here. Yah!

At 9:29 a.m. , Blogger Dawn Z(ed) said...

It's interesting how motivating $5 can be.

The idea of giving the money away is that nobody participating benifits from their peer missing a workout.

Feel free to steal it.

Raglan's must be open. Christmas just isn't Christmas without a pitcher of mojitos!

At 1:40 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update your blog, lady!

Raglan's time is almost upon us. Woot!

At 10:32 a.m. , Blogger Dawn Z(ed) said...

I updated it!

I was sick all week, no room in my brain for posts with all the snot that was in there.


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