Saturday, January 6

Nobody you like, likes you now

So most people that know me know that I need a project, something to obsess over, to keep me somewhat sane. Normally at this time of year it's my birthday, but since Mum has taken that in hand, I have had nothing to plan, detail by detail, pour over, and generally go mad about, until now.

My entire life I have wanted to go to Scotland. My very earliest memories are of reading the encyclopedia entries on Scotland and everything related to Scotland. I used to dream about the day I would get to visit. I am about to be 30 and that dream has yet to manifest itself.

2008 is the year I finally, at long, long last, make it to Scotland. I am going to take 4 - 6 weeks and do it up.

I figure if I start the planning now, I will have it all sorted in time to throw the whole plan out the window about a week before I leave.


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