Friday, June 27

I'm at the end of two weeks of super busy omg time and I couldn't be more relieved. The past two weeks have nearly killed me.

Now my mother is trying to kill me.

She announced last week that she and her man are making a last minute trip out to visit me this weekend. Normally I would be thrilled. I am very happy that she is coming. But she's being... weird.

She isn't giving me straight answers on anything, like what they want to do, where they are staying (I did get the impression, though not a direct answer, that they wanted to stay in a hotel, not with me), or when exactly they plan on being here.

Now she did say that they were leaving last night to drive out here. She promised, swore even, that she would call me when they got to where they were going last night, but I've had no call. I've also not been able to get a hold of her at all yet today.

I really hope she doesn't show up on my doorstep. That would freak me out.

Wednesday, June 18

Why is it that the people who are the most involved with technology seem to be the most clueless when it comes to technology?

I feel like I am having a mini life crisis. I am feeling stuck in Calgary, with no hope of ever leaving. I want out. I want out right now. I'm tired of thinking about what's best for my long term prospects, I'm tired of working at a job I don't like, I'm just tired.

I want to go back to the coast for a few months and then finally get the hell out.

The really depressing thing is, last night I was poking around the website of the place I worked at when I was in BC and there is a job that is a pay grade below what I was at when I was last there, and the bottom end of the scale is $10K more than what I make here.

It's not just the money, but when you already have about 2% job satisfaction, the cash dollars kinda tip the scales.

The simple fix would be to ind a new job, the not so simple thing is what it would do to my resume. I'm 12 months away from leaving Calgary, I am 12 months away from executing my looooooooooog, drawn out, plan of leaving the country. I really need my resume to look its best. Or I could just say "fuck it all". I'm kinda at a loss.