Wednesday, June 18

I feel like I am having a mini life crisis. I am feeling stuck in Calgary, with no hope of ever leaving. I want out. I want out right now. I'm tired of thinking about what's best for my long term prospects, I'm tired of working at a job I don't like, I'm just tired.

I want to go back to the coast for a few months and then finally get the hell out.

The really depressing thing is, last night I was poking around the website of the place I worked at when I was in BC and there is a job that is a pay grade below what I was at when I was last there, and the bottom end of the scale is $10K more than what I make here.

It's not just the money, but when you already have about 2% job satisfaction, the cash dollars kinda tip the scales.

The simple fix would be to ind a new job, the not so simple thing is what it would do to my resume. I'm 12 months away from leaving Calgary, I am 12 months away from executing my looooooooooog, drawn out, plan of leaving the country. I really need my resume to look its best. Or I could just say "fuck it all". I'm kinda at a loss.


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