Saturday, March 22

I have a new place to live!

I'm so glad too, because the places I saw weren't great, but the last place I saw (which was totally last minute because I was about to jump on a place that sucked, but was a place to live) was the place I wanted really badly. I couldn't sleep last night because I kept hoping and praying that I would get a call today telling me I was the one chosen for such a lovely place.

And I was!

Thank god, because I had already figured out where I was going to put everything.

Now that I officially have decided that it would be best for me to stick around for awhile, I figure I might as well turn this new place into a real home.

My new place is a one bedroom. I've never lived in a one bedroom. I've always either lived with roommates or in studios/bachelor suites. This will be very different for me. I'm so excited. It's silly, but it's true.

First thing I'm buying for the new place... a Wii.


At 11:30 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome news! I knew you would find the perfect place for you. I am so excited for you!


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