Friday, March 21

A love letter to Moleskine

Dearest Moleskine,

If I were a writer I would write odes to Moleskine.

When I embarked on a 4 week long roadtrip to punctuate the end of my life in Vancouver, BC (the first 29 years of my life) and the beginning of my life in Calgary, Alberta (the next ? years of my life) I wanted a way to document the trip. A notebook that I could carry with me, fill with my thoughts while I curled up in my tent for 5 days, in the non-stop rain in Haida Gwaii, or stick postcards in from the stops I made along the way, or perhaps glue in some photos to flesh the whole thing out.

I wish I could say "And then I found it, the perfect book.... Moleskine", but alas, it was not to be so. I had not yet been enlightened.

I am now in the process of planning my Next Big Move. I will be moving from Calgary (after 2 wonderful years here) and I will be, at long last, fulfilling my life long dream of moving to Scotland. This time I am prepared! This time I have been smart! This time I have my Moleskine!

I plan on spending this coming summer filling my Moleskine with my travels as I head out as a weekend warrior to explore my adopted province. I will drive home to Vancouver and I will stop along the way and take pictures and buy postcards that will end up stuffed into my wonderful Moleskine. I will document my last days in my native country so I will always have a piece of home with me.

I have everything a girl could want or need to make such a major move a success: a loving and supportive family, friends that are already planning vacations to visit and care packages to send. I am in want of nothing.


Well, dearheart, here is the one, single, tiny, itty bitty thing I want so badly I can feel it in my bones. A Moleskine of my own. Not just any Moleskine, oh no. I require a special Moleskine. One that hasn't been created yet. I need a Moleskine city notebook for Edinburgh.

Oh my love, please allow this dream to come true. Please be mine in 2009!

All my love,

Dawn Z(ed)


At 5:10 a.m. , Blogger Speedmaster said...

Well-said. I enjoyed that. ;-)

At 12:21 p.m. , Blogger Jonathan said...

What a coincidence!

Me: Also Canadian, from Vancouver.

Me: Also moving to Edinburgh in September.


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