Monday, May 26

Moleskine Junkie

It's bad. I think I have three Moleskine books on the go. I have one that I write down the thoughts that pop into my head, stuff that I want to remember later. I have one that I am using to scrapbook/document my last year in Calgary, and the latest addition, my knitting projects sketchbook.

The latest one I started today because I've been keeping a written list of the projects I'm either currently working on or the ones I have in my head. The written list was all well and good but it didn't allow me to remember the colours and pattern I wanted to use. I went out and bought myself a new Moleskine book and a pack of pencil crayons, and now I can just scribble out the look of the project rather than try to remember what the hell I wanted to do.

This will come in handy when I go shopping for yarn. I will no longer have to remember which colours I wanted to get or how much since I will have the projected scribbled out and in my bag with me!

I'd love to say that my scribbles were sketches of some sort but all they really are is a scribble of colour on a page with a general idea of how the project would be completed. It looks a lot like scribbles on a page.

I can't wait to fill the book up and complete all the projects in it!


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