Tuesday, May 27

Homeward Bound

I have just booked and been approved for my summer vacation!

I will be spending an entire week in one of my favourite places on Vancouver Island.

This vacation is exactly what I need to keep me going. The only way I will get through the next two months is by focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel. Or the hammock waiting for me.

So damn excited.

Monday, May 26

Moleskine Junkie

It's bad. I think I have three Moleskine books on the go. I have one that I write down the thoughts that pop into my head, stuff that I want to remember later. I have one that I am using to scrapbook/document my last year in Calgary, and the latest addition, my knitting projects sketchbook.

The latest one I started today because I've been keeping a written list of the projects I'm either currently working on or the ones I have in my head. The written list was all well and good but it didn't allow me to remember the colours and pattern I wanted to use. I went out and bought myself a new Moleskine book and a pack of pencil crayons, and now I can just scribble out the look of the project rather than try to remember what the hell I wanted to do.

This will come in handy when I go shopping for yarn. I will no longer have to remember which colours I wanted to get or how much since I will have the projected scribbled out and in my bag with me!

I'd love to say that my scribbles were sketches of some sort but all they really are is a scribble of colour on a page with a general idea of how the project would be completed. It looks a lot like scribbles on a page.

I can't wait to fill the book up and complete all the projects in it!

Friday, May 16

The kids don't stand a chance

Big happenings in the land of Zerly!

I will be in Canada for another year. I have been offered an amazing opportunity with an amazing organization, and it means I will be sticking around Calgary until next June.

The down side to this great news is that it's a volunteer position, so I am working two jobs with one paycheque. Also, it means I have to live through another Calgary winter.

I'm thinking I will take next summer off and spend some time on the coast before heading off to Edinburgh to start the next phase.

I am both happy and sad.

Wednesday, May 14

Why hello there

Well apparently it's my turn for my 15 minutes of fame! Somebody stumbled across something I wrote and posted it to Moleskinerie. I don't expect any of the readers to stick around, but hey, it's kinda neat for the time it lasts.

So hello all the visitors from Moleskinerie!

Man over board

For one reason or another I haven't been listening to music at home over the last few weeks. I've been watching movies, or reading, or listening to The CBC (huge CBC fangirl).

My music has been neglected, which is odd, because music is such a huge deal to me. Call me crazy, call me a snob, but I totally judge people based on the music they like. I would find it really, really hard, perhaps even impossible, to date a guy if he listened to music I didn't like.

The other night I was doing dishes and so I plugged myself into my iPod and I suddenly remembered how much I absolutely love music. It was like I temporarily forgot how great music is. How could I have forgotten? I blame it on temporary insanity.

I can't believe how much better my mood is now. Proof that music is an important part of good mental health.

Friday, May 9

One thing that I don't think I will ever get used to about Calgary... the grass turning green.

I know, that sounds odd, but it's a very odd thing. Yesterday the grass was brown. Dead. No life in it. Today it's all green.

It turned green over night people! If that's not odd, I don't know what is.