Friday, August 31

They say it's your birthday

Happy birthday to my favourite artist Jared!

Welcome to your late 20s mister!

Thursday, August 30

I am not having the best summer.

I had to move, which sucked. I moved into a great house though, so it was worth it in the end.

Two days after I moved I got sick, really, really, really sick. I was off work for two weeks trying not to die. I’ve been slowly getting better, but it’s a struggle. At the peak I was on six different types of medication, half of which were to counter the side effects of the others. That’s sucked.

Mum Zerly came to visit, which was really awesome. We had a great visit and we got to talk and say a lot of things that needed to be said. One of the things she needed to say was she was separating from my stepdad. That really sucks. It sucks a lot, but I support her no matter what.

Today she just told me that she most likely won’t be coming out to visit me at Christmas. This is the one that really bugs me. I’m both sad and a bit angry. I was alone last Thanksgiving, and Easter, I most likely will be alone this Thanksgiving, and I don’t want to spend Christmas by myself as well. My roommate and his son will be going to Ontario to visit the grandparents for Christmas this year so it would be just me at the cats.

Now I know, things could change, everything might work out, but right now, as it stands, it means yet another holiday alone.

I know I’m just pouting but it’s my blog damnit.

Saturday, August 11

Dearest readers,

What are your two favourite colours?

Thank you.

Dawn Z(ed)

Wednesday, August 8

I'm big in Germany

So remember when I said The Cave Singers are awesome? Well somebody agreed with me and even linked to my brilliant words of wisdom. I have no idea what the site says because as good as Google is at translating, it's still not excellent. The gist is that The Cave Singers are awesome and you should listen to them.

Also, in other German news, I won a contest.

And finally, in case you were wondering, the move is done, the house is good. I've made a crappy first impression on my roommate since all I've done is lay around and cough and sleep and be sick, but things are going well. Unpacking is going slowly since moving takes massive amounts of energy I don't have, and when I do move I end up in a coughing fit.

I'm on a massive amount of medication now so I should be better soon. I have to be better soon, Mumzerly comes in nine sleeps!

Friday, August 3

Dancing on Our Graves

I'm seriously sick... half dead sick... and yet I still feel the need to muster the energy to spread the gospel of good music.

The Cave Singers

Do yourself a favour and listen to them. They are 4 kinds of awesome.

And if you still haven't listened to my wise words of wisdom, Junip's cover of The Ghost of Tom Joad will haunt you.