Monday, July 9


I am so furious I'm surprised my head hasn't exploded.

A few months ago I received a collections notice for unpaid Medical Services Plan (BC Government) payments. Payments I shouldn't have been charged because I was no longer a resident of BC. I immediately called to ask why I was being charged when I wasn't even living in BC anymore and it turns out they didn't get my change of address notice. My address was changed, things seemed to have been resolved, no more notices were delivered and I went on my merry way.

This past April I filed my taxes, there was a slight mix up, things were resolved and I received my notice of assessment but never my tax return. It's been something in the back of my head for quite some time but I just haven't had the time to call up the feds and find out what's up.

Today I received a notice for my GST refund. It turns out all my refund money, GST and taxes, are going towards paying off my MSP bill, the bill I was told was taken care of, the bill I should have because I DON'T LIVE IN THE DAMN PROVINCE!

So tomorrow I will have to deal with the BC government and the federal government to straighten out something I have already straightened out.


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