Thursday, December 21

Rollin' and Tumblin'

In less than an hour I am done work for the year. In 4 hours I will be on my way to the airport. In less than 9 hours I will be in Vancouver with my parents.

I have busted my ass to make sure everything is done before I go and as of right now, it is. Everything I can do to be ready for the start of another semester is done. If it isn’t done it’s not worth doing.

I hope everybody is having a great holiday season, whether it’s Hanukkah, Christmas, or nothing at all. If you’re traveling may it be painless and if you are staying put may you be surrounded by those you love.

Thursday, December 14

We are rockstars

There is one thing I really, really, really miss about Vancouver. Urban Rush. Urban Rush is what made having cable TV worth while in my opinion.

Urban Rush is a local cable talk show and I miss it. I should find somebody to tape them for me and mail me the shows so I can get my fix.

Wednesday, December 13

I’ll tell you what, what’s to tell

I can't believe how fast time is slipping away right now. I can't seem to get things done at work and before I know it, it will be time to hop on a plane and go home!

Christmas is looking like it's going to be interesting. I'm wary to discuss it at this point, I'm not entirely sure how much I want to publically discuss my family. More to the point, I'm not entirely sure why I don't want to publically discuss them, and until I figure that out, it might be best to keep my big mouth shut. I guess what I really want to do is see how badly the bridges have been burned and if I give a shit about burning them further or if there's anything worth fixing.

That said, or not said, I am looking forward to the Winter break more and more. It will be interesting to see what shakes loose.

I have an interesting project planned starting on my birthday next month. It will mean a lot more posting from me, even when I have nothing to say.

Top three songs I can not stop listening to, in no particular order:

Someday You Will Be Loved - Death Cab For Cutie
Homeless - Ladysmith Black Mambazo w/Sarah McLachlan
Clown Prince - Hilltop Hoods (really awesome Aussie hiphop)

And that concludes my pointless post of the day.

Sunday, December 10

I hear the bells

I was on the phone with Big H today, getting excited about seeing him and mum, and we started talking about my visit over the Summer.

I am still amazed at how amazing that trip was. I think it will be a very long time before I fully process it. It seems like a different lifetime. The past year has been huge. I have a hard time believing I lived it. 2006 has been the antithesis of 2002.

Next July I am going to Toronto for a friend's wedding, and I'm thinking of turning it into another roadtrip. I have no desire to spend much time in Toronto, and I know I am going to have vacation time I need to use up, and July is about the slowest part of the year for me, so why not take a couple of weeks and drive? The big question being do I drive to Toronto first and then head off or do I head off and put Toronto at the end of the trip?

Saturday, December 9

She'll make it 'til next week

I'm alive. I'm half dead, but I'm alive.

I have been really sick, and then this week I started to suffer from a bout of insomnia. Nothing I can do but ride it out. I'm getting the feeling that tonight might be my first night of sleep. I'm about 20 mintues from just passing out and I'm feeling pretty sure I'll sleep through the night.

I can't wait for Winter vacation.