Thursday, March 1

Dear Minnesota Public Radio

Please make your network not suck.

90% of the time I try to access your website I can't. I try every method of listening to your wonderful station and I still can't get a steady connection.

Thank you.

Dawn Z(ed)


At 12:11 a.m. , Blogger Dry Shave said...

Which station are you listening to, KNOW @ 91.1? The Current @ 89.3?

For the record: I'm all for seperate rooms, our palatial mansion just doesn't have the space to allow that.


At 8:54 a.m. , Blogger Dawn Z(ed) said...

The Current. Or at least I've been trying to.

KEXP is currently running their pledge drive and I've already sent them money. I want the tunes while I work, not the pledge drive.

The Current came highly recommended and my officemates pretty much leave it to me to pick the station so we switched for the week. When we can get a solid stream it rocks.

For the record my palatial mansion is a single room. It's a good thing my cat doesn't snore or take up too much space ;o)

At 12:26 a.m. , Blogger Dry Shave said...

The Current is good, I should give it another try.

The college station (University of MN) is good too, haven't listened to it for awhile though. Radio K:



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