Wednesday, February 28

Slow ride

Scattered, yes, but some of it makes (more) sense if you listen to Dry Shave (or you are Dry Shave).

First off, I have not been ignoring anybody. I have been reading the comments, I have just been extremely busy and extremely tired. Busy I can't do anything about but the tiredness it's seriously been on the extreme side. I've been to the doctor, I've had the blood taken, a whole shit tonne of it, and I'm just waiting to find out what's wrong with me. It's not normal to sleep 13 hours, soon I shall be finding out why.

Anyway, the sleeping and being busy haven't left much time for much else, like the interwebs.

I have no idea what is going on with Tyson. He's in his new foster home and hiding and I'm waiting to hear from the foster home when I can meet him and find out if he's the cat for me. I honestly have no idea what's up.

A few thoughts:

1. I firmly believe that couples need to have seperate bedrooms. Old fashioned, perhaps, but I sleep much better alone. Not that it's not even currently an issue for me, Bill is the only boy I'm sleeping with and he doesn't really take up much room and he doesn't snore or steal the blankets. I seriously think it's a relationship saver. The seperate bedrooms, not the cat snuggles, though they help.

2. I want to be a bartender when I grow up.

3. I lost the thought. It was there but being as tired as I am it's all I can do to remember how to do basic things like dress myself.


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