Friday, March 31

When will I know that it is time to split?

105 days until I am no longer working here.

86 working days.

Not that I'm counting.

Wednesday, March 29

Pump Up The Jam

I don't know how Scott managed to successfuly hold down two jobs, while going to school and live. I've only been working two jobs for a month now and I'm ready to fall over.

This just proves he's insane and I'm not.

Today I tell HR that I can't work job #1 after July 14th. I'm excited.

Monday, March 20

I ain't the settin' sun, But I can get the job done

Hot damn, two posts in one day. I'm becoming prolific or something.

Don't get used to it.

I, in my infinite wisdom, have decided that not only do I need to set a serious timeline, I need to set some serious dates... so here goes nothing.

Ideal Plan (aka Plan A): I arrive in Calgary August 30th before 10 PM local time (how's that for a timeline!!)

Plan B: I arrive in Calgary July 19th.

Additional things I must do before moving to Calgary: Next tattoo and get two custom bracelets made to cover new tattoo.

Now back to your regularly scheduled random posts with little to no interest factor.

We dare to hold on to our fate

Things are falling into place. I am getting more and more focused, my attitude is good, things are going better than I could hope, for the time being at least.

Work (both jobs) are going along swimmingly. It's hard going at this pace (60+ hours a week) , but I only have, at most, 20 more weeks of it (though I am aiming for 16 weeks. I can't wait until I get to start counting in days!), and keeping in mind that it's such a short amount of time, in the big picture, is what keeps me going.

In the next couple of weeks I need to start looking at when I am going to drive my belongings out to Calgary, looking into renting storage space, and start boxing up the stuff I want to get rid of/sell, and just generally sorting out my crap. Because I am working so much, the time I'm not working needs to be used constructively.

I'm thinking about taking my stuff out to Calgary at the beginning of June. I'm going to be housesitting for the last three weeks of June and the first week of July, and I don't really want to spend the last couple of weeks I'm in Vancouver running around trying to sort out everything, including the transportation of my stuff. It gives me one less thing to worry about, and it also means I could give up my apartment sooner, which will save me some big money. Since I'm only moving my bed and books and a few other items, I can still comfortably stay in my apartment until I am ready to leave for good. My couch converts into a lovely bed, so if I have to sleep on it for two weeks, so be it. Whatever isn't sold will be given away to charity.

I've decided that even though there is little planning left to be done, I need to set up some deadlines and stick to them. I know me, and I, if left to my own devices, will wait until the last moment to do everything leaving me stressed out and in tears.

By May 15th:

  • Date will be set for transportation of stuff to Calgary

  • Rental space will be lined up

  • Cargo van will be rented

By the June 1st:

  • My belongings will be safely stored in Calgary

  • I will have given notice to my landlords about my impending move

  • My date of departure from Vancouver will be set

  • Summer Vacation plans will be set

By July 1st:

  • Notice will be given at least one job, hopefully both

  • Day of arrival in Calgary will be set

  • Daily countdown to Summer Vacation '06 will commence

By July 15th:

  • Everything I own that is left in Vancouver will either be sold, given away, or stored with Mum until I get back to Vancouver from Summer Vacation '06

  • I will stop sleeping due to excitement

  • Given notice at work if not already done so

  • Daily countdown to my arrival in Calgary will commence

Of course that time line is for Plan A: The Ideal Plan. If I go with Plan B, the only thing that really will change is by July 1st I will have quit both my jobs, all my stuff will be gone and 5 days later I will be in Seattle. and by July 15th I will be leaving Vancouver for Calgary.

Now that's it posted and made public, I have no excuses if it doesn't get done.


Friday, March 10

Move On (Bloom Like The Sunlight In My Song)

For some of you the information posted from here on out will be old news since some of you are being directed here from livejournal, but for those of you that don't have access to livejournal, this is all brand new.

Excellent. Moving on.

As most of you (should) have heard, I am moving to Calgary this Summer. Once I move this blog will be your best bet for finding out what's going on with me. I'm not a fan of mass emails, and I'm also not big on the idea of answering, repeatedly, the question "So... how's Calgary treating you?". If you want to know, read about it here like everybody else.

The move is currently in the planning stages, though there isn't a whole lot of planning that needs to be done. The dork in me has set up a multipage spreadsheet and I've pretty much got everything covered. The only thing that needs to be settled is whether or not I go through with my plans for My Summer Vacation.

The soonest I can leave Vancouver is July 6th as I have contractual obligations to fulfil until July 5th. Now this is where the plan divides into two. Plan A is the Ideal Plan.

Plan A:

  • Sell off all my crap except my books and bed by the first week of July.

  • Give up my apartment (such bitter sadness) by July 15th

  • Pack everything into a rented cargo van and drive to Calgary, put everything in storage, drive back to Vancouver.

  • Spend the next two to three weeks in Vancouver crashing on couches of anybody that will let me, all while still working my two jobs.

  • First week of August (or last week of July, depending on the money situation) quit my jobs and set out on The Best Roadtrip Ever.

  • Spend a week in Seattle with some of my favourite people

  • Move to Calgary and impose upon my best friend and his lovely wife while I look for work and a place to live

Plan B

  • Sell off all my crap except my books and bed by the first week of July.

  • Quit my jobs

  • Spend a week in Seattle with some of my favourite people

  • Give up my apartment (such bitter sadness) by July 15th

  • Pack everything into a rented cargo van and drive to Calgary, put everything in storage

  • Impose upon my best friend and his lovely wife while I look for work and a place to live

So that's currently what's going on with me. Right now I'm just working my ass off until the day I get to put my well laid plans into action.

Sunday, March 5

Fair Warning aka Coming Soon to a Town Near You

Coming this August, to a town near you... ME!

You think I'm joking? 7 provinces and 29 states, chances are I'll be passing near you.

I'm now taking suggestions for roadtrip musical programing.