Wednesday, August 24

OMG, it's a post! For serious!

I'm still a little high from my workout, forgive my incoherence. I haven’t been doing much, if anything, but I have managed to get a wee run, and an open water swim in (though it’s not going to matter because I have only just realized that I am doing a pool swim for the HATS tri in September. Sweet.

Starting this weekend my posts will be back on track, as will my training, full on. Swimming will be more regular and when my swimming is regular everything else falls in place much more easily.

I just found out that a rec centre near work offers spinning classes (though they aren’t called “spinning” classes because some asshat trademarked the name meaning that anybody outside of the cycling/tri community doesn’t really know what spinning is outside of some cardio workout done in some studio, but I digress) twice a week which I hope to make a regular addition to my workout schedule. At the very least it will give me some exercise during the off season.

Speaking of off season, it’s time to start looking into coaches/clubs to join for next season. Doing this alone is dull, and not very motivating.

I’ve officially lost my train of thought. I think I was pretty much done anyway.

Wednesday, August 10

I suck

Well the last few weeks have been insane. I have done nothing. I have been unfocused, I have been lazy and I have been poor. With all the travelling I have done over the last few weeks I haven't been able to afford to renew my swim pass. I've discovered that if I don't swim, the rest of my motivation disappears. This weekend I will be renewing my swim pass and I will be getting myself back on track.

Due to lack of funds I will not be doing the My First Triathlon in Parksville. I think I knew it would be a financial stretch awhile back which contributed to my lack of motivation. I just need to refocus my attention on the HATS tri in September.

I’m looking forward to getting my ass in gear and getting back on track. I kinda miss sore muscles and early mornings, in a sick sort of way.