Tuesday, August 25

Woah. Time has flown. I can't believe that my summer vacation in Vancouver is almost at an end. I leave for Vancouver Island on Saturday. I have five weeks left in BC. Five weeks until I move away. That time is going to fly. I have less than a week left here, then three and a half weeks on Vancouver Island, a week for Mum's wedding and then I'm gone. It's going to take awhile to wrap my head around that.

Shit. I need to pack!

Saturday, August 1

The countdown is on!

At the end of this month I leave Vancouver for three weeks on Vancouver Island. Three weeks of no cell phone, no internet, no anything except trees, and sky and lake and the worlds greatest dad.

That trip is going to mark the beginning of the end. Once that trip is over, I will have less than a week left in Vancouver. Less than a week before I head off on my Big Adventure!

It's still hard to believe that this is happening.