Friday, March 27

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Today is a sad day. Between cuts to programming on the CBC and the retirement of Judy Maddren, today is a sad, sad day.

Judy Maddren was the voice for World Report. Every hour at the top of the hour, in the morning, Judy would deliver the news. I would often wake up to her lovely voice saying “Good morning, I’m Judy Maddren and this is World Report”. When she said goodbye this morning, I’m not too proud to admit, I got a little choked up. She will be missed.

The news just got worse from there. CBC announced that they will be cutting my absolutely favourite show on the radio, In the Key of Charles. I have never listened to a show that was so diverse in the music played, being hosted by somebody that is clearly having the time of his life.

Outfront has also been cancelled. This is one of the offerings that made me realize just how much the CBC connects us as Canadians. Outfront is Canadians sharing their stories with other Canadians.

I am utterly heartbroken today.


At 11:14 a.m. , Blogger christopher575 said...

Hopefully these shows will live on in podcast form.

At 11:31 a.m. , Blogger Dawn Z(ed) said...

One can only hope!


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