Friday, February 13

I’ve been having anxiety dreams lately. My anxiety is kinda at an all time high right now. I hate to wonder what shape I’d be in if I wasn’t on anti-anxiety medication.

Most of my anxiety is work related, but some major steps in The Big Move have taken place in the last couple of weeks, which makes the move a lot more real. It’s actually what is keeping me focused right now. Work is stressful but at least I can see a light at the end, I have something to look forward to. This isn’t going to last forever.

Some of my dreams have been focused on some of my fear about moving. You would think I would be afraid of leaving everybody I know, my mum, my (step)dad, my friends, leaving behind the security of a job, a stable home, basically everything we’re supposed to work towards. Nope. Not me. What freaks me out? What is haunting my dreams? Money and language.

Now I know what you’re thinking, money is totally normal to freak out about. Well I’m not freaked out about money in the normal sense. I know I will have enough money to sustain me, it’s not that. I wake up in the middle of the night in a panic because I can’t figure out the money system. In my dreams I cannot figure out what each coin is, what it’s called, what it’s worth. It’s silly, but I still wake up in a panic.

The other thing that I am genuinely worried about is the language. I know they speak English, but have you ever spent an extended period of time with a Glaswegian? I have. It can be very trying to understand what they are saying, and I’m talking about those that have been living in Canada for 40 years.

I’m just afraid that I won’t pick up on the speech patterns and slang and turns of phrase quick enough and it will hinder my ability to get a job. I’m pretty familiar with general UK slang, but there is a LOT that I am not familiar with, and I’m just worried that I’ll end up making a fool of myself.

I guess I’ll find out soon enough if my stupid fears are really all that stupid.


At 10:42 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, I just had a thought. I have had the Trainspotting novel forever, but it's the North American version that has a glossary in the back. It's literally 4 or 5 pages of Scottish slang and what it means. But it's still in Vancouver :( I was going to photocopy the pages for you. If you can wait that long, I can get it for you in May!


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