Monday, August 11

I’ve started more than a few posts and they just seemed to fizzle.

I haven’t been super busy, but I’ve been... active. I have spent the last few weekends camping out at a lake in BC and pretty much having the time of my life. Every Friday I leave work as soon as possible and drive almost 5 hours out into the middle of nowhere and just bask in the joy of being away from civilization.

This past weekend, not so much.

It rained. It rained a lot. Thunder, lightning, the whole thing. When it wasn’t raining the campground that I was at (a BC forestry services site) was overrun with people with generators (that ran all night long) and satellite radio. When did camping become an alternative living room rather than an escape to the great outdoors?

I moved campsites, went a little further out, and I found a great spot that I plan on visiting again, but still, satellite radio. But the couple that was camped there were nice, and they didn’t have a generator, so I was able to enjoy a quiet night.

The thunder storm was pretty impressive. It rained so hard that if I stepped out of my tent I was soaked through almost right away. It was so wet that when I woke up in the middle of the night and had to go to the bathroom r e a l l y badly, I decided that clothes were useless. I didn’t want to get what was left of my dry clothes wet so I just stripped, ran out, used the outhouse and ran back, towelled off, got back into my dry, warm clothes, and was so snugly I wished I had done it earlier.

Things I learned this weekend:

• I have retained a large number of song lyrics from 80’s hair bands. I learned this thanks to listening to Hair Nation most of the weekend.
• There are people that are very proud of being rednecks
• Logging roads and migraines don’t mix
• After talking to somebody long enough it’s possible to forget they are missing their front teeth

I’m sad that I’m not going back out this coming weekend, or the following, but I am spending the next week on Vancouver Island, so I really can’t complain.


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