Thursday, July 24

SmartWool Rocks My Socks

For reals.

I love their socks, but, as I mentioned in my previous post, I'm allergic to latex. And the older I get, the worse my allergy gets. Now I can't even wear stuff that has elastic in it that has latex in it, even though it's wrapped in cloth. I used to be able to get away with it, maybe some minor swelling with prolonged contact, but no more.

Anyway, I digress.

I need some new socks (actually I need A LOT of new socks, it seems all my socks fell apart at the same time) and I adore SmartWool socks. They are comfy, they do a great job, and they last forever.

Of course their socks contain elastic.

I emailed them, and less than 20 minutes later they emailed me back and let me know their sock elastic is latex free.

They just made a loyal customer out of me!


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