Tuesday, October 3

I wanted to walk through the empty streets

Last night I went to see Junior Boys play at Broken City. It was both great and sucky.

Things that sucked:

I was there by myself
The gross amount of smoke that filled the bar
The opening band was a pain in the ass
There was too much sound for such a tiny place
The show started late

Things that were awesome:

Junior Boys performing even though the lead singer was sick as all hell and they still sounded good
Good beer
Having an interesting conversation with an interesting couple
Broken City is 4 blocks from my house

I'm glad I went. It was good for me to get out of the house but I don't think I'll be going out to too many shows until after the smoking ban goes into place. It's just too gross. I couldn't breathe and now my stuff smells disgusting. It's just not worth it.

I didn't get to hear Junior Boys perform "In The Morning" which is what I really, really, really wanted to hear. I only got to listen to about 4 songs before I had to leave. The combination of smoke and midnight were too powerful.

The venue is way too small for the sheer wall of sound they have. The sound could have filled a room twice the size and still been a little too big.

It's interesting to see that even though I've changed cities, scenesters are the same no matter where you go. 99% of the girls there were dressed in skinny jeans, and the boys all wore the same hats. I've decided that I need new glasses because when I looked around I realized that I was very, very happy I had decided to wear my contacts because everybody, boys and girls, had glasses just like mine or very, very similar. Time for a change.

Today I put up a bunch of pictures I culled from my vast digital library of photos. I had them printed up this weekend. I can now look up at my wall of photos and feel like I'm not so far from home. I have a special little section for all the furry kids out there. My office is still devoid of the art that should be up but at least my filing cabinet is covered in pictures of home.

This is the kind of thing that I get excited about.

Tonight is a thrilling night of laundry.

I'm living on the edge here people.


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