Saturday, March 17

Sing, sing, sing!

So for the last few months I have been feeling like crap. I have been fairly unbearable. I couldn't stand to be around me. I was constantly tired, and not just a bit, but really, bone tired. More than once I needed to put my head down on my desk and nap. I was sleeping about 18 hours on the weekends and I would have slept that much during the week if my job hadn't been in the way. I really don't know how anybody put up with me.

Anyway, much bloodletting later and I have a clean bill of health, the tiny fact that my iron count is down in the mid-single digits (not good) not withstanding. So I'm on iron pills, and I'm eating a hell of a lot more meat than I normally do, and I’m drinking more juice with the meat (vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron), and generally being really hyper aware of what I’m eating. Now I normally eat well but meat is something I rarely cook, I’m just not so good at it. My goal for this year is to master the art of cooking meat.

Anyway, long story short, it’s like my body has gone from 0 to 160 over night. I’m feeling more than a little crazy. I went from having zero attention span to suddenly paying attention to everything. I’m blaming my current obsessive behaviour towards music on this influx of iron and energy. I figure once my body levels out things will start to settle down but man, until it does I’m feeling more than slightly crazy.

I’m so restless that I load my iPod up with the music I am obsessing over and head out into the streets and wander around. I don’t go far because it’s been pretty chilly here the last few days. The other night I was out and it started to snow, out of nowhere, and not a little. It was pretty hard to see. It was awesome.

Oh, and to give you an idea what I’m talking about when I say that I’m dealing with some obsessive issues, I have an example from last night. I was sitting here listening to “Clown Prince” by The Hilltop Hoods, and there are four lines in the song that I love the sound of, just the way they fit together. I swear I listened to just those four lines about 30 times. I wish I was kidding.

Crazy talk, I know. I live in the House of Madness.

I can hear a number of people saying “Well duh” to themselves. Shut it.


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