Thursday, April 26

Makes you wanna blow the stars from the sky

So I'm a sucker for a meme. Seriously. It's really hard for me to pass one up (which reminds me, I need to cross post one from my lj which is totaly friends only but yes, I'm that much of a dork that I have an lj, full of memes and everything). Anyway, what what I saying? Oh yes, memes. I find it hard to pass one up. Kristy posted a really neato meme and, shocker! I jumped in like stink on poop.

So here's the deal. I answer the 5 totally original questions Kristy has created just for me (excuse me while I swoon a little becuase Kristy is so freakin' awesome and I can't belive she totally noticed I'm alive, never mind asked me actual questions and let me participate in the meme and hot damn!). You then comment here, I give you 5 totally original questions and you answer them on your blog/lj/facebook/whatever. Now I don't have 10 people that regularly read my blog (that I'm aware of anyway. They could read it via RSS and I'd have no idea, but whatever) so whoever responds will get 5 questions.

So here goes nothing!

1. Okay, this is an easy one (but feel free to be creative): what's your most favorite and least favorite thing/s about knitting?

Knitting calms me down. I sometimes have a hard time dealing with stress in a productive way, but knitting calms me down and lets me turn my brain off so that I can gain some distance from whatever it was that was bothering me. I find that knitting kind of centres me.

My least favourite thing about knitting is how I have to remember what the hell I’m doing every Fall because I seem to never knit during the summer and I always forget what the hell I’m doing.

2. One of the super awesomest things I've discovered -- in a long, long line of them -- about getting older is that I'm becoming allergic to more things. What was your worst allergic reaction to something?

The older I get (which I absolutely love getting older. No joke, it’s so damn awesome. I wouldn’t go back to my 20’s for anything, ever. Not even to date that really cute guy that I had a massive crush on. No way.) the more allergic I get to latex. I swell up like a balloon when I come into contact with it. It is not fun in any way.

It’s not the worst reaction I’ve had, but it’s the best reaction a doctor has had to my allergic reaction.

I was in the hospital and being the diligent girl that I am I made sure that the nurse knew I was allergic to latex. I wait forever in the waiting room, I finally get to see a doctor, and she’s asking me what the problem was (I was having issues with a massive migraine with extreme jaw pain), and she then prceeds to examine my jaw, inside and out. As soon as she stuck her hand in my mouth I knew there was a problem.

“That glove tastes like latex”

“It is”

“Uh.... that's not good.”

She looks at my chart.

“Oh shit.”

Oh shit indeed.

What she didn't know (and I did) is that my reaction isn't so bad that I will actually swell up and die. She was very panicked.

She then gave me a shot for the pain I was in (I was seeing double I was in so much pain) then she gave me a shot of Gravol so I wouldn’t barf from the morphine (I hate morphine with a passion. I avoid it at all costs.), and then she give me another shot so I wouldn't swell up like a balloon and die.

She fucked up and she knew she fucked up. She was looking right at my chart that said in BIG RED LETTERS that I was allergic to latex. I’ve never seen a doctor scramble so much to fix something so fast.

The worst reaction I’ve ever had to latex has been a massive rash and very bad swelling in my hand where I had an IV inserted. The tape that held my IV in place had latex in it.

3. . I read that you want to be a bartender. Like, for real? And how come? Because a huge part of me has always wanted to do that, save for the realities of the hours of work it requires (not the number of them, but the time of day/night/wee hours of the morning). What about it do you find alluring?

I’m not entirely sure why. I think it has a lot to do with liking alcohol so much. I am passionate about a really good drink, whether it be a perfectly poured beer or a gin and tonic that makes your heart sing or even some random drink that somebody made up one drunken night but they are passionate about and insist that it is the beverage god would drink on a Tuesday night.

I just think it would be fun. I’m not crazy enough to think that it would be a magical job of rainbows and unicorns. No matter what job you do there will always be assholes and shit you need to deal with, but I just think it would be a really fun job, and a pretty good fit for my personality.

I was not meant to work in admin. I may be good at it but it kills my soul daily.

4. Are motorcycles super cool, or incredibly annoying toys for men who refuse to grow up and/or have some sort of need for more power between their legs (if you know what I mean) (and also I think we know how I personally feel)? What about chick bikers?

Both. I think there are people that are really passionate about their bikes and don’t give a shit what anybody thinks. I have to respect that. I personally find motorcycles terrifying and good luck ever getting me on one.

One of the most amazing people I know happens to be a girl with a bike. She is one of the most brave, courageous, talented, intelligent, crafty, beautiful, witty, all around amazing people I have ever met. She makes me think that chick bikers totally rule.

5. If you were going to do something totally sexually daring, completely out of the norm for you, would you rather it be with someone you know (but have never slept with), or someone you don't really know and won't see again?

Oh that’s a really awesome question. I have to think about that one.

I think I’d have to go with somebody I know. If it turned out to be a disaster we could both laugh about it for years to come “oh weren’t we so silly in our youth?” and if it turned out to be awesome, we could do it again!

Then again it could turn out to be a disaster and we never speak to each other again or it could be awesome, we try to move things along, they fall apart in an epic way and again, we never speak to each other again.

I think I’d still take my chances with the known rather than a stranger.

W00t! That was fun!


At 11:13 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your blog whilst following the meme chain from Kristy's blog.

I enjoyed your answers and look forward to reading all of your old posts.

I'm glad I could be the first person to ask you for an interview. :)

At 8:18 p.m. , Blogger Dawn Z(ed) said...

Well hello there Tami! You are likely going to be the only one asking for interview questions, so here goes:

1. You've said that you love nicknames. What is your favourite nickname you've been called, and who came up with it? What is your least favourite nickname?

2. So you want to be on Rock & Roll Jeopordy. What are your 5 dream categories?

3. What is the single biggest change you've made in your life since beating cancer? Are you dancing more?

4. Congratulations! You've won the Dream Day Sweepstakes! Describe the most perfect day you could possibly have. Money is no object. You can go anywhere in the world, see anybody you want to see, do anything you want to do. What would you do with your day?

5. What is something about you that other's might see as a flaw but you really love about yourself? It doesn't have to be a physical flaw, it can be a personality trait.


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